Environmental destruction may become international crime


Enlightened One
Staff member
Apr 16, 2021
Perched on a rock in Canada
Mass environmental destruction, known as ecocide, would become an international crime similar to genocide and war crimes under a proposed new legal definition.

The definition's unveiling last week by a panel of 12 lawyers from around the world marks a big first step in the global campaign's efforts to prevent future environmental disasters like the deforestation of the Amazon or actions that contribute to climate change.

There are currently four core international crimes: genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity, and the crime of aggression. These crimes are dealt with by the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC).

The Independent Expert Panel for the Legal Definition of Ecocide spent six months preparing the 165-word definition, working with outside experts along the way. In a draft of the definition by the Stop Ecocide Foundation, a Netherlands-based coalition, panelists said they hoped the proposed definition could provide a basis for the consideration of a new international crime.

So, what's the proposed definition?

The draft defines ecocide as "unlawful or wanton acts committed with knowledge that there is a substantial likelihood of severe and either widespread or long-term damage to the environment being caused by those acts."

Unlike the existing four international crimes, ecocide would be the only crime in which human harm is not a prerequisite for prosecution.

"There are elements of human harm that can be included in (the definition), but it also extends to damage, per se, to ecosystems," said Jojo Mehta, chair and co-founder of the Stop Ecocide Foundation. "So effectively you're looking at something that has, at least in part, potential to be a crime against nature, not just a crime against people."


Awesome idea!

the biggest threat to the climate is the continuing over population of the planet  ... Studies have shown that sweet zone is around 1.5 Billion , it's currently 5 times this figure and growing fast ... countries Like Rep of Ireland, Scotland, Norway, Finland & Denmark  population have all basically remained the same since the 1980s, India's population has doubled from 700 million to 1.4 billion and America has went from 225 million to 335 million in the same period and England's population has grown by 12 million  as has France 

the more people on the planet the more pressure we put on resources  and turning forest into farm lands  ... forests are the lungs of the world 

China's 1 child per family was a success in halting Chinese population growth .... should be implemented globally 

Size Comparison USA and China

United States is around the same size as China.

China is approximately 9,596,960 sq km, while United States is approximately 9,833,517 sq km, making United States 2% larger than China. Meanwhile, the population of China is ~1.4 billion people (1.1 billion fewer people live in United States).

USA China.png

Size Comparison USA and India

United States is about 3 times bigger than India.

India is approximately 3,287,263 sq km, while United States is approximately 9,833,517 sq km, making United States 199% larger than India. Meanwhile, the population of India is ~1.3 billion people (993.5 million fewer people live in United States).

USA India.png


China and the United States are the most and 3rd most populous country in the world, respectively. China and the United States together account for about 22.7% of the total world population. China population is 4.35 times the US population, with China home to about 1.44 billion people and the United States to 331 million in 2020. The population of China will peak in 2031, but the US will not peak until 2100. China is four times denser than the US as China's population density is 153 people per square km compared to 36 of the US.

The ratio of china to the US population has increased from 3.49 in 1950 to the highest 4.69 in 1994. This ratio is expected to decline at 2.45 in 2100, as China's population growth rate is much lower than the United States.

As of period 2015-20, China's total fertility rate is 1.69 births per woman, which is lower than the US's 1.78. China's fertility rate was almost double that of the US in 1950, but it is below since 1990.

In terms of overall life expectancy, China is catching up with the United States. The margin has been reduced to 2 years, which was 25 years in 1950. The United States came 47th globally, with 78.81 years, while China is at 72th with 76.62 years. China (38.42 years) has overtaken the United States (38.31 years) in terms of median age.

The US has a higher old population share as 16.6% of the US population has age above 65 years, compared to 12% of China. The United States has more people ages above 95 years.

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