World's fastest EV charging station promises a full battery in under 15 minutes


Enlightened One
Staff member
Apr 16, 2021
Perched on a rock in Canada
There are some fast charging stations drivers can choose to plug into today, but ABB's new 360-kilowatt station takes the title of the world's fastest EV charging station. With this new station, the company says any electric car will leave with a full battery in under 15 minutes. To put that into perspective, the fastest Tesla Supercharger stations unload 250 kWs worth of juice.

The company announced the new station platform on Thursday, and it's more than just a fast single-unit project. Named the Terra 360, the station can charge up to four cars all at once without sacrificing the juice flow. Even if EV driver's don't have 15 minutes to spend, ABB said the super fast rates can provide 62 miles of range in fewer than 3 minutes.

A lighting system guides users through the process, and shows the battery's state of charge and the estimated time before the charging session will end. These are also compact units, which ABB hopes may help fleet operators and logistics companies charge future cargo vans, trucks and other vehicles quickly without taking up too much space. To cap it all off, the stations are also wheelchair-accessible.

ABB's launch starts today before the first station officially opens in Europe by the end of this year. Next year, the company will expand this ultra-fast charger to the US, Latin America and Asia.
