To my fellow Canucks on the board . . .

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Enlightened One
Staff member
Apr 16, 2021
Perched on a rock in Canada


The whole world loves Canadians... they are like a ROCK.

There are a few Francofiles occupying territory there, they should just calm down, we have one world, live and let live, English is the world-wide accepted language... JMHO.

The whole world loves Canadians... they are like a ROCK.

There are a few Francofiles occupying territory there, they should just calm down, we have one world, live and let live, English is the world-wide accepted language... JMHO.
I think and fear that within a hundred years the English language will be replaced by the Chinese language. Chinese is already the language spoken by the largest number of people (about 1.4 billion). If we add the fact that China will also become the major economic power, it is inevitable that the Chinese language will dominate all other languages.
History has taught us. The most widespread language is that of the most important economic power: Latin, Spanish, French, now it is the turn of the English language. In the near future, the Chinese language will prevail.

The whole world loves Canadians... they are like a ROCK.

There are a few Francofiles occupying territory there, they should just calm down, we have one world, live and let live, English is the world-wide accepted language... JMHO.
Je crois qu'il n'y a pas "quelques francophiles canadiens".
Les données de 2011 indiquent que les francophones canadiens sont plus de 7 millions, soit près du quart de l'ensemble de la population.

"Les Canadiens francophones sont les habitants du Canada qui parlent le français. En 2011, 9 809 155 personnes soit 30,1 %de la population étaient francophones au Canada, dont 7 274 090 personnes déclarant avoir le français comme langue maternelle, soit 22 % de la population." (de Wikipédia)

I don't think" there are a few Canadian Francophiles".
Data from 2011 indicate that there are more than 7 million French-speaking Canadians, or almost a quarter of the entire population.

"French-speaking Canadians are the inhabitants of Canada who speak French. In 2011, 9,809,155 people, or 30.1% of the population, were French-speaking in Canada, including 7,274,090 people who declared French as their mother tongue, or 22% of the population."(from Wikipedia)

Oh dear, I stepped on a few toes there. 

I have to respond robustly because I disagree.

This should help you see the reality.

Yes, Mandarin is a major one, but French is a little lower in population, whereas, English is in the top league.

I think and fear that within a hundred years the English language will be replaced by the Chinese language. Chinese is already the language spoken by the largest number of people (about 1.4 billion). If we add the fact that China will also become the major economic power, it is inevitable that the Chinese language will dominate all other languages.
History has taught us. The most widespread language is that of the most important economic power: Latin, Spanish, French, now it is the turn of the English language. In the near future, the Chinese language will prevail.
There's a place for all of them, it's up to each person to choose... I'm told English is the hardest, I don't know because I am English, so it's easy for me.  My old friend Tony (Antonio Cid Alvarez) spoke 7 languages, most of them like a native.  I miss him so much, he passed away last Christmas.  We stayed with him for a month in 2016... great memories.

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