The Canning Lady


Gifted One
Apr 15, 2021
Rachel will can anything except her doormat.  It's an American thing, but it has real merit.

I notice that although it's called canning the process involves not cans, but jars.

My mother and her friends all "bottled" fruit and made jam back in the 50s, I don't know anyone who has the time and patience for it now thought. I had a surplus of kumquats a few years back and made kumquat liqueur.

Yes, it is jars, I have some of those, I make sweet chili sauce that's to die for and jar them, I don't need to pressure them.  If I was a few years younger (I'm into my 70s now) I would buy a canner, if I grew a great amount of produce.  I don't, I only grow what I can eat fresh, just a few plants that can keep one person fully supplied with fresh produce, I'm doing OK with that.  I'm still eating French beans off my plants, I guess I will have a lot more yet.

When I was a kid back in the 50s we lived in a small rural town and every "season" trucks would come around with crates and half crates of fruit from the riverland orchards... oranges, apples, peaches, plums, apricots, nectarines.... I'd say that a crate held about 10 kilos... maybe 20lb.

We would gorge on the fresh fruit and them Mum would preserve the rest or make jam.

Preserved peaches with hot custard was a much looked forward to winter desert in those days. ...or "up-side-down pudding"!

Home bottled fruit is fabulous, tinned or frozen is just not up to scratch.

As I said, I just make chili sauce, piccalilly,  chutney,  lemon & lime marmalade and jam. I depend on my freezer for saving vegetables.  I also do batch cooking, when I make bolognese sauce, sweet and sour, curry, casseroles and many other dishes, I make enough for 4, I eat one and portion and freeze the rest.  I always have some quick meal in there if I don't feel like cooking..

When we had the fitted kitchen put  in we got a integrated fridge freezer.  So sad, I had to sell my lovely large fridge freezer because it wouldn't fit in with the design, but the one I have now is nowhere near big enough for my needs.  I'm looking at equity release to get some extra money to do other house improvements and getting a larger fridge freezer again to regain my sanity.  I don't care if it spoils the design, I need substance over style as they say.

I may turn the old space for the integrated fridge freezer into a pull out larder and cupboard, get rid of the larder I already have and replace it with a new large free standing fridge freezer, that's my plan.

I'm a "Banzai" shopper when it comes to looking for bargains.... a few years back I searched long and hard and found a huge two door Samsung fridge for about 30% of the original price.

I have to wait for the equity release to go through.   Then the search will begin.  The one I have at the moment is really playing up and I have to clear the glacier of ice from the 2 top drawers on a weekly basis.  Goodness knows what that freezer is doing to my electricity bill.

I don't really want what they call an 'American Fridge Freezer', that would take up too much space, I just want a large upright fridge freezer with more capacity than I have now.  The thing is, when I see all the measurement and capacities on websites, it means nothing to me.  I need to physically see if it will be what I want.

Here we are again with more interesting food related videos.

Here is Rachel an Todd again (I'm beginning to think they're not poor)  

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