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Galactic One
Nov 19, 2020
Just out of curiosity tell us we're you heard about us and do you keep the same user name throughout other sites like me.. 

It's entirely up to you if you want to list your different users names so we know if we know you.. 

basically by chance/luck searching direct download warez in google 

my first 3 sites are now long gone

Loki Torrents - FuNsTeR  (Queen - Shear Heart Attack album - Tenement Funster)

Phoenix Torrents - FuNsTeR 

Bolt.CD - Killiebrad  (Killie is short for Kilmarnock Scotland's oldest professional football/soccer club and Brad is short for my first name Bradford ... i prefer Brad)

Silent Ground - Godric1970 (big trueblood fan Godric is a 2,000 year vampire and 1970 was when i was born) i joined there after Bolt went down and still post their now and again 

Novanon - Lucifer & Makara was told i had to register a new username to become a mod on their .... having to use two posting styles was annoying to me as i had to keep my true id hidden (Lucifer is a character from the original Battlestar Galactica Lucifer was Baltar's Cylon 2nd in command)

Merlin Warez - Makara (from a child's show similar to Thunderbirds ... i used to watch in 1980 Star Fleet in the UK, also known as x Bomber/ Di-X Makara is a character a commander in the Imperial Alliance - the bad guys) 

apparently i am still a mod on Novanon even though they know i've left .... i wanted to leave the way i came (quietly without causing a scene) 

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I first heard of the site when Merlin popped up at R-Place.

I've been around a very long time and been a member at countless different sites.

I have always been dvernb (Vern, the name friends and family call me by, bookmarked by my first & last initials).
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I first heard of the site when Merlin popped up at R-Place.

I've been around a very long time and been a member at countless different sites.

I have always been dvernb (Vern, the name friends & family call me by, bookmarked by my first & last initials).

I have 2 nicks on line, but I think most people know me by the one I'm using here.  When I joined here, I used my alternate one of Phlox, which Merlin loved, somehow it didn't fit for me, so I asked him to change it for me and he did.

Same here, I've been on many forums over the years, but 20 years ago I decided I didn't want to have any control in a forum, I just wanted be a member.... now, no more sheriffing for me and it's great.  Don't forget our old refuge and safe private place RP,

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I have been around forum life since 2005.

twncam is my main nic and used at most all sites I joined.

As I was a mod at wbb back in the day, I did use one different nic to remain anonymous on a few sites which was RoadRash.

But these days it is always twncam.

I think we all use 2 nicks at one point or another.  My alternate one is Phlox, which in someways works better, but most people know me as Kath since the 80s.  In fact a lot of my nicks incorporate both as Kathphlox.

Personal nicks are important... it's your identity, I agree with that.

I found "forums" in the old unmoderated NewsGroups back in the '90s and was addicted.

Since then I've administered two that are still running, been a senior moderator of an expat forum of over 300,000 members, a lot of them active, and been a member of many.

I decided on a new user name here, I'm slowly retiring the old battle scarred original. 😁

Just out of curiosity did this place spin off directly from Bolt or come via Novanon or NeoVistas?

found link other site use differ name here

Saw the blurb over at R-Place. Like some others, been around a bit. 🤪

Us old guys seem to congregate around here now.  We will not give up, we come from all countries and all races. This is what we are, we chat, exchange info and generally help each other out.

I found "forums" in the old unmoderated NewsGroups back in the '90s and was addicted.

Since then I've administered two that are still running, been a senior moderator of an expat forum of over 300,000 members, a lot of them active, and been a member of many.

I decided on a new user name here, I'm slowly retiring the old battle scarred original. 😁

Just out of curiosity did this place spin off directly from Bolt or come via Novanon or NeoVistas?

We retire, because the time is right, we hand the baton to the young ones.  I don't think they will see such an exciting time as we did.

I found by searching for a alternative. After my arrival I noticed names I was familiar with on other forums I decided at that time I was staying. I had a brief absence due to illness but made it back here I am 😉

I got here thanks to a friend who "introduced" - so just lucky I guess. 🙂

I believe I saw this site link on a top 20 Forum list at another site.

I was please to see my site link recently added to the same list, heh heh


basically by chance/luck searching direct download warez in google 

my first 3 sites are now long gone

Loki Torrents - FuNsTeR  (Queen - Shear Heart Attack album - Tenement Funster)

Phoenix Torrents - FuNsTeR 

Bolt.CD - Killiebrad  (Killie is short for Kilmarnock Scotland's oldest professional football/soccer club and Brad is short for my first name Bradford ... i prefer Brad)

Silent Ground - Godric1970 (big trueblood fan Godric is a 2,000 year vampire and 1970 was when i was born) i joined there after Bolt went down and still post their now and again 

Novanon - Lucifer & Makara was told i had to register a new username to become a mod on their .... having to use two posting styles was annoying to me as i had to keep my true id hidden (Lucifer is a character from the original Battlestar Galactica Lucifer was Baltar's Cylon 2nd in command)

Merlin Warez - Makara (from a child's show similar to Thunderbirds ... i used to watch in 1980 Star Fleet in the UK, also known as x Bomber/ Di-X Makara is a character a commander in the Imperial Alliance - the bad guys) 

apparently i am still a mod on Novanon even though they know i've left .... i wanted to leave the way i came (quietly without causing a scene) 
Interesting story. I was a lurker on BOLT. I followed the herd to Novanon. I thought BOLT begged too much for donations but at Novanon there is no limit to the unbridled strongarming to enrich the owner. I didn't lurk there long at all.

I saw an invitation to this site on another site that will remain unnamed. This site reminds me of BOLT to an extent. Not as active, not as many in the discussions but the feeling is there. I believe in time this site will blossom.

I know what you mean, a busy street is not always the place where you feel comfortable and want to stay.  

There's not a lot of money to be made from forums, if you really want to make money, start a Youtube channel, then work at it for years building followers, then maybe you can monetize it with adsense, or you could just rob a bank 😉

Forums are for people who are of the same mind to express their views on a subject. The owner of this forum does not have monetary gains in mind.  He, like you and me spent years ducking and diving how to attain digital things that we could never afford.

Netflix et-al have wiped a lot of that out, but there are still things that you need to know where to go to get it.  I mean, where on earth would you get a copy of Gone With the Wind. 😉

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Through Dragon's Den as an affiliate link.

I keep the same name in one shape or form.

IP-Predator, IP or -IP-.

Been a part of warez since the late 90's/early 00's.
The forums seems a lot fewer than in the past, so I'm looking to expand my library of sites I visit, now that so many has gone down the drain. I will post downloads from time to time, but much of my time these days, is spent maintaining sites and servers, troubleshooting said sites and servers and people's computers as well. Time flies when you are offering remote support to a ton of people.
I found this place through another warez board. It is in their Link Collection section. Years ago when I first started getting into the scene, I chose SavagePawn because I like to play chess and it was my username for all the chess sites. The first board I ever joined was WWW and Neo was the Administrator. Pretty big board, and fun, too until troublemakers decided they hated the place and Neo shut it down. I stuck with Savage or SavagePawn for a long time. But, when I found the old warez-bb site back in '06 I decided to change my name to Shadow. That was the only board I ever used that name. I've gone by a few other names throughout the years. But none really stuck.

I took a break for a while. Personal reasons and, I don't know. I guess I just started getting lazy and found everything I needed through torrents, :LOL:... But, a few months back I couldn't find a download through torrents and decided to try looking for it on the boards. So much changed in the years I been gone! :oops: I went back to a board that I knew and asked in the request section, and poof! Within a day tops, a user found what I was looking for. I spent MONTHS looking for it, and voila....

THAT... Made me realize how much I missed the scene and how much I liked helping people find what they need. Anyhow, I can see my TL;DR meter is hitting its peak. So, I'll leave it there, :LOL:...