River in China Dries Up, Revealing 600-Year-Old Buddhist Statues


Enlightened One
Staff member
Nov 18, 2020
The Yangtze River’s water levels are receding amid an ongoing heatwave in the country.

by Sarah Rose Sharp
2 days ago

Receding water levels in China’s city of Chongqing reveled ancient Buddhist statues. 


It’s important, as we casually stroll into climate change apocalypse, to take time to see the sights — for example, some stunning ancient Buddhist statues revealed by the receding waters of the Yangtze River during a dramatic drought affecting southwestern China. A once-submerged island off the city of Chongqing has appeared in the dwindling river, crowned by a trio of carved statues believed to be 600 years old, state media Xinhua reported, according to Reuters.

The Yangtze is the is the longest river in Asia and the third longest in the world. It is still flowing, albeit in a much-diminished capacity, even as some 66 rivers across 34 counties in Chongqing have dried up due to a 70-day heatwave that continues to linger, and rainfall that has been reduced to 45% of normal levels. The statues sit within carved alcoves at the high point of the Foyeliang island reef, and have been speculatively identified as dating to the Ming and Qing dynasties. The central figure is a monk sitting on a lotus pedestal. Perhaps he is praying for rain.

This is just one of many ancient treasures that have surfaced this year, as water levels reach historic lows, revealing a fleet of sunken Nazi warships in the Danube River in Serbia; “Spanish Stonehenge,” in Spain’s province of Cáceres; the lost Mitanni Empire, a Bronze Age city in Mosul, Iraq; and perhaps most disturbingly, “hunger stones” along the Rhine in Germany.


The latter are warnings engraved in 1616, a drought year so severe that crops failed, leaving the citizenry of the time starving to death. The message on the stones, which were revealed previously in 1947, 1963, 2018 during other severe droughts, translates as, “If you see me, weep!”

I can't remember where I read it, but there is also a rock carved with the words, 'do not build your house below this point'. It was in Japan warning about Tsunamis in that area.

The stone tablet has stood on this forested hillside since before they were born, but the villagers have faithfully obeyed the stark warning carved on its weathered face: “Do not build your homes below this point!” 

I chose this article because The New York Times who carried the story charges you to view.... this one doesn't. I think it dates back to 2011.

Residents say this injunction from their ancestors kept their tiny village of 11 households safely out of reach of the deadly tsunami last month that wiped out hundreds of miles of Japanese coast and rose to record heights near here. The waves stopped just 300 feet below the stone, and the village beyond it.

“They knew the horrors of tsunamis, so they erected that stone to warn us,” said Tamishige Kimura, 64, the village leader of Aneyoshi.

Hundreds of these so-called tsunami stones, some more than six centuries old, dot the coast of Japan, standing in silent testimony to the past destruction that these lethal waves have frequented upon this earthquake-prone nation. But modern Japan, confident that advanced technology and higher seawalls would protect vulnerable areas, came to forget or ignore these ancient warnings, dooming it to repeat bitter experiences when the recent tsunami struck…
