My own recipe for poached Salmon


Gifted One
Apr 15, 2021
I don't do photos, but if you have a modicum of cooking skills, this is really easy.

I searched around for a sauce to go with salmon, in the end I put them all in my head and came up with this.

Put 1½ inches of white wine in a pan.
Add a little dill, tarragon, fennel seed, half a bay leaf, & salt/pepper - I have a mix of fresh and dried herbs which I use, just use dried if you don't have fresh..
Poach the salmon in this liquid for 10 minutes (it must not bubble) just very gently cook.
Take the salmon out and set aside.
Then I cooked the stock for a while, to infuse the herbs.
Took out the bay leaf and added 2 drops of fish sauce. (had this in the cupboard)
Thickened it with a little cornflour and water.

Added the salmon back to the sauce to warm it through, it was amazing.
Another go-to recipe, I'll be doing this one again.

I served this with home grown sprouting broccoli and Jersey new potatoes. 😉

I've tried eating fresh Salmon multiple times and i just don't like it ... compared to  wild trout it's tasteless to me ... it's just my personal preference but here's the weird thing i do like Salmon from a tin .... their is just way more flavour (in my opinion of course)  ... it maybe just the process of cooking Salmon in a tin ... that i like 

I've tried eating fresh Salmon multiple times and i just don't like it ... compared to  wild trout it's tasteless to me ... it's just my personal preference but here's the weird thing i do like Salmon from a tin .... their is just way more flavour (in my opinion of course)  ... it maybe just the process of cooking Salmon in a tin ... that i like 
I adore tinned salmon, there is absolutely nothing that tastes as good, but if I want a salad and there is no tin in the cupboard, I cook fresh salmon in foil in the oven for a while,  then, when it's cooled, I add white wine vinegar, salt and pepper, sometimes a few chopped capers and cornichons - it changes the taste completely.

For me salmon has to be fully cooked I don't like the under cooked way that professional chefs say it needs to be. If its dry make a sauce for it I say :LOL:

If I want a hot meal with salmon, I use the poaching recipe above, it makes a fantastic sauce.  You can pair it with any fresh veg have.  If I want it to accompany a salad, I wrap it in foil  and cook in the oven and leave to cool.  I would never dream of grilling or frying salmon, that's just nasty to me.

For me salmon has to be fully cooked I don't like the under cooked way that professional chefs say it needs to be. If its dry make a sauce for it I say :LOL:
That's OK Kool, just cook it as you like it... in this recipe, when you return the salmon to the sauce to warm through, it's

thoroughly cooked in that process.  I myself, like fish 'just cooked' if it goes over, it can taste a bit dry and bland.


I've tried eating fresh Salmon multiple times and i just don't like it ... compared to  wild trout it's tasteless to me ... it's just my personal preference but here's the weird thing i do like Salmon from a tin .... their is just way more flavour (in my opinion of course)  ... it maybe just the process of cooking Salmon in a tin ... that i like 
Tinned salmon makes epic fish cakes.... oh my, they are delish.

Now you got me hankering after tinned salmon, I can actually taste it right now. haha.
