My Day! How was it for you?


Gifted One
Apr 15, 2021
Sometimes in our lives significant events happen that you want to share, or inform people about that they may not be aware of.

This has happened to me, my best vision is in my right eye and this is the one affected and I think more people should be aware of it, because I wasn't, it's called - Posterior capsule opacification (PCO) is a complication that can occur some time after cataract surgery.  I had my cataract surgery in 2017.

I got a letter today to invited me for laser treatment, but it's not until August.  It's a long way off, but it still scares me, because I know to do laser treatment they will have to immobilise my eye, and that is quite painful, but I read they don't do that.  Fingers crossed.

Basically, they are going to laser my eyeball 😯

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Never fear. It isn't that bad. You're a strong person and I know  you will handle yourself with dignity and courage. Until they come at you then, if you're anything like me, you may backslide just a tiny little bit. You're right I had never heard of PCO. It's good to know about possible complications of a procedure that all of us will, at some point, be faced with.

August isn't that far away really 😉

Thanks Merlin, you give me courage.  Also I'm glad to know that many people don't know about PCO, I certainly didn't, now they do. Now others will be aware of it.

I've had my cataract surgeries done also and I have never heard of Posterior capsule opacification (PCO) either. I don't know you much but I can say that laser therapy has come a long way in the past few years. There was a news segment on channel nine here in Australia praising the laser therapy used in place of cataract surgery saying that it was less invasive but highly successful. 

I believe that you'll face this situation head on and won't have any regrets whatsoever. August is only a few months away ...plenty of time to prepare for your therapy.

good luck anyhoo and keep us informed.

Kool, it's good to know what to look out for.  I never heard of it either, I ignored letters from the Opticians to get my eyes checked, because I thought I was fixed after the cataract op and I needed no more input from them.

Now I know, if you have cataracts ops, get your eyes checked out every year, they can spot a problem early.

My right eye is worse than before I had the original op, I have a white gauze over it.  But I'm managing OK, my left one has taken over so I can read and do most things.

We need to be told about this sooner, then we know about PCO and how to make sure our sight is not compromised.

I have a new one to pass on to you guys.  One of happiness and deep sighs of contentment ... sorry it's a bit long, I tend to blather on a bit.

At last. I got a couple of local lads today to cut my grass. It's a tiny patch, it was long yes, but the lads accepted a tenner. They will come back every month to cut it again. Much better than the ones I had earlier who insisted they do it once a fortnight. Well, that's OK if you're a grass freak, but I'm not, once a month is more sensible to me. I was watching and noticed that they had a brush that was on it last legs, (obviously they were just cutting grass to earn a crust, I'm happy about that) so I said 'hey you need a new brush'. Yes we do, they said... I said, I have 2 garden brushes and an indoor brush, you are welcome to one of my old garden brushes. So off they went with a newish brush and their payment for 20 minutes work.  That's a good day for everyone 🙂

We melded two houses together when Dad died, so we have spares of everything, makes sense to put it to use where it's needed.

I got my new appointment for my right eye this month.  It's strange but in the months that I've been waiting, the eye has improved slightly, it's not quite as bad.  It's still a little blurred at the edges.  It's weird how eyes adjust to altered circumstances, at this moment I am typing with just my right eye.  I'm flummoxed, if I use both it's even better..

My appointment is on 13th September (this month),  Fingers crossed all goes well.

Hi Kath.  Good luck with that on the 13th.  Please do let us know how it goes.  

In the meantime can I suggest that you type with your fingers instead of your right eye.  You will find it easier.    A Joke Kath, a joke, honestly just a joke.  😁😁

another warm sunny day outside, so far 2021 has been the best summer we've had in Scotland for nearly 30 years 

and good luck Kath with your right eye

This topic should be a Blog 😉

it is a blog just not in the Blog section. It’s a great topic, Kath. Maybe  could move it for you if you like?

Makara? Why haven’t you started a blog yet? I know you’ve got one inside waiting to bloom.

Hi Kath.  Good luck with that on the 13th.  Please do let us know how it goes.  

In the meantime can I suggest that you type with your fingers instead of your right eye.  You will find it easier.    A Joke Kath, a joke, honestly just a joke.  😁😁
I can touch type normally, It was one of  my jobs, but as time goes by it tends to get a little rusty.  Also, when you touch type you have to look at the screen to see if everything you see is what your fingers are doing as you type and if it's correct.  I just did this without looking at the keyboard, I did have to correct a few misses. ;)

This topic should be a Blog 😉

it is a blog just not in the Blog section. It’s a great topic, Kath. Maybe  could move it for you if you like?

Makara? Why haven’t you started a blog yet? I know you’ve got one inside waiting to bloom.
I'm not really blog kind of person.  My thoughts are a little erratic, first one subject and then a few minutes later I'm on to something else.... It would be too confusing in a blog I think.

I had to call the hospital today to check on my appointment.  I had 2 recorded messages from the NHS which were so bad they where inaudible.  I didn't know if they were cancelling or confirming.

It turns out they were to confirm... so it's game on for Monday.  Yes, I'm scared, the fear of the unknown is worse than the actual thing.

This topic should be a Blog 😉

it is a blog just not in the Blog section. It’s a great topic, Kath. Maybe  could move it for you if you like?

Makara? Why haven’t you started a blog yet? I know you’ve got one inside waiting to bloom.
a blog .... i could write a best seller about my time at Muirkirk Primary from 1975 to 1980 and all the crazy bat sh*t stuff i got up to :LOL: ... it would probably take a year for me to write 

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Start a Blog, Makara. I’d love to read it. I love to read amateur prose. It’s real and not polished fiction.

Come on. Take all the time you need. Write when it suits you. Don’t matter.

Just click BLOGS near the top of the page ten Create a new Blog.

Makara a blog about your school sounds good.

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Tomorrow is the day, I set my alarm for 8am... I didn't know there were 2 eights on the clock until now since I retired.

Yes I'm apprehensive, but mostly because I have to go alone.  We all like support when we are facing a difficult situation.  But now I'm alone in the world, this is the first time I have to face this kind of thing on my own without a buddy with me.  My hubby died 3 years ago tomorrow,  (a weird coincidence).  So this is how it is now, I can do this, I am strong, I have no choice... so here we go tomorrow.

I'll let you know how it goes.

The story of how it went. if it happens to you, no need to worry, no pain, I didn't even take my coat off.  It would have gone a little better with a helping hand afterwards because your vision is crap after that, then and I'm not too steady on my legs these days.  I just about managed with my stick and slow slow progress to a taxi.


I'm a bit scared, tomorrow I have to have laser surgery on my eye. The cataract op on my right eye developed scar tissue, so the op now is supposed to fix it.

Trouble is, I have nobody with me to hold my hand and be there for me for this scary procedure.

I've never been alone before for something like this, so it's a bit traumatic. I cant do anything about it.

I'm strong, I can cope, because there is no choice... just do it...


I wasn't expecting a buddy to come in with me, but to help me to be safe. I know what those drops do to your vision and I'm not steady on my legs like I used to be. It was a struggle, as expected... slowly, slowly, using a stick.

Well, it was weird. Didn't feel a thing apart from the drops they put in to widen the pupil, they sting like hell. I heard the dull thud of the laser firing each time, so many thuds, it was a bit scary. When It was all done, I was blind in that eye for a few minutes, then as some sight started to come back it was all pretty colours... pinks and purples, very psychedelic for about 20 minutes. There was no pain, then or now, it's improved my vision a little, but not as much as I hoped, lets hope it gets better over time.


Wow Wow Wow..... I have my vision back it's taken almost 12 hours, it's taken all this time to settle down. There is no burred images now, all the edges of things are crisp and bright..... I'm so happy, I just want to squeeze something so hard. I never thought it would be this good again. I'm bursting with happiness.

That is great news Kath!

I can just imagine how you must be feeling both with having the worry & suspense over with and with the fabulous results!

Good for you!

Amazing what they can do these days, isn't it?
