Hello??? Hello???


Enlightened One
Staff member
Apr 16, 2021
Perched on a rock in Canada
Besides bots uploading Files and downloaders grabbing them is there anybody here besides me & Kath? Where is the community?

Being an old geezer I have been (and still am) a member of several boards that are long past their heyday and are now down to a few stragglers. Even so, those boards are like Picadilly Circus compared to here.

Because there were no obvious views or comments or reactions I stopped posting here once. Then I got a message from Kath wondering what had happened so I started again.

I'm again beginning to wonder what's the sense if no one is interested and there is no community.

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I understand what you mean, dvernb. There aren't many interested in interaction with others here or any other Warez sites I visit. It's down to the "bots uploading Files and downloaders grabbing them" as you said. I guess that means everyone should follow suit and stop going through the motions. Participation is voluntary. We provide a space for those who want to post informative topics or discussions. Those who choose to join in will and those who don't won't.

I have faith in people. If we build it, they will come ... but for now it's mostly bots and lurkers as you said.

Now, I will post a short article about Lunar Gateway as I was about to do before I saw the title of this thread.

Besides bots uploading Files and downloaders grabbing them is there anybody here besides me & Kath? Where is the community?

Being an old geezer I have been (and still am) a member of several boards that are long past their heyday and are now down to a few stragglers. Even so, those boards are like Picadilly Circus compared to here.

Because there were no obvious views or comments or reactions I stopped posting here once. Then I got a message from Kath wondering what had happened so I started again.

I'm again beginning to wonder what's the sense if no one is interested and there is no community.
I too am an old geezer and I agree with you there seems to be less interaction on boards than I remember.

I have been known to post "Is anybody there - knock once for yes and twice for no!" and get - no knocks at all as a kind of non-reply . Well I am here and old or not I hope to be around for a while yet.



You'd be surprised that people actually won't take part in discussions if you react by accusing and threatening them simply because you aren't ready to read different point of view than your own. You end up talking to yourself just like in real life.

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All true - sometimes poeple bully, threaten and even "no platform" folk with different ideas - free speach is a wonderful thing and we should all defend it and be prepared to listen at least - we don't have to agree but we should always listen and be considerate of others points of view but it is or should be "a two way street".


It's all down to this so called gen Z generation (aka snow flake generation)

They get too easily offended.

Talking to yourself is no bad thing at least you can have a intelligent conversation 😂
Talking to yourself is no bad thing at least you can have a intelligent conversation 😂

You get worse - but it's true too!!
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I pop in from time to time, however most of my chatting time is spent on Facebook where I also have several groups that I run. It's just life I guess.

This site seems pretty good with the no asking for donations and no premium links unless there is a free user alternative.
as a warez site should be.

but most other sites have sold out completely telling members to donate subscribe to get access to vip sections
telling people to buy debrid to download etc and heavy censorship.
and cash file hosts being what most people share files on these days people are feed up by it enough is enough.
the younger people who just wanna watch something just prefer their streaming services they cost less than what the
trash forums are asking in donation or debrid services and you can just enjoy your time alone or with friend and avoid being yelled at by staff on those forums. plenty of people and sites asking for money we don't need it from warez forums.
warez at it's core was is share for free and help each other out without asking for anything in return particularly not money.
+ with all the time it takes searching downloading particularly large files from the cash hosts even if it can be gotten for free
and they have their friends on social media these forums are not as interesting as they once where particularly not when
90% of people have dropped them and it basically seems most of the time hanging out on these forums is talking to your self and posting stuff nobody download or reads.
only ones left are auto-posters and those of us who are collectors and still looking for some stuff every now and then
or those of us still remembering the good times around 2010-2012 before cash host premium only links and forums asking for money
and debrid services almost completely took over 2018-2024.
+ those of us who still have some friends on these forums or just stick around out of old habit and those of us who use these forums instead of social media.
There are things you can't get from Netflix and sites like that. Like you said Lunarion, us oldies just want a few things that we know are good, the quality films et al. For instance, a contact of mine got me a copy of Gone with the Wind 18 months ago, I really enjoyed it, I treasure it because it's a fabulous film and It's off the market now because of the sensitive nature of the content. That's a sin, it's a great film and it's true life history of the time. There are too many snowflakes in this world now.
Basically, people are getting used to paying small amounts for poor quality. I'm used to FREE stuff of good quality. The only thing I pay for is my TV license for BBC, but I have no choice.
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E-Bay announced around year 2018 that they where banning the confederate flag
from their website so no one could sell or buy it there.
a high level boss at netflix also gave millions to the group that was pushing for the confederate flag ban along with the other southern historical fact and figures they wanted to erase from history but enough said about that.

so I downloaded
back then when i heard it was gonna get banned to see if there was anything in it to warrant a ban.
i did not like the film but there was nothing that would warrant a ban in my opinion in the film.

the series
The.Dukes.of.Hazzard.1979-1985.1080p was also target for ban due to having a Orange Car called The General Lee
with a Confederate Flag painted on top the only reason some people wanted it banned that is ridicules.
it's a clean fun series great for kids and adults must have been really good back 1979-1985.
personally i still like it in the year 2024.

the confederate flag ban was stupid despite many clowns use it in bad places and company.
and giving it a bad reputation.
the confederate flag was neutral and still is just a banner for the South nothing wrong with it still being used by some people for just peaceful purposes or historical events or celebrations in the south or elsewhere.
but sadly too many idiot take things too seriously and gets mad over nothing and might start a fight on the 4th of July due to some neighbor showing a flag they do not approve of instead of staying in their own yard and enjoying the company food and drinks and be happy. starting a fight over some insignificant thing and report to jail later on stupid way of celebrating but so many does it.

historical facts
are there was a General Lee and and a confederate flag trying to remove these facts from the history is stupid how to learn from history and past mistakes if it's all erased.
but then again it's how it's always been usually the winner of the war writes history and the losing party history is mostly forgotten.
but it used to be easier to suppress historical facts. before the world became connected. and most of the people can read and write.