Google & Apple cave to Kremlin pressure


Enlightened One
Staff member
Apr 16, 2021
Perched on a rock in Canada
Russian opposition activists accused Alphabet's Google and Apple of caving to Kremlin pressure on Friday after the U.S. tech giants removed an anti-government tactical voting app from their stores on the first day of a parliamentary election.

The app, devised by allies of jailed Kremlin critic Alexei Navalny, gives people detailed recommendations on who to vote for in an effort to thwart the ruling United Russia party which supports President Vladimir Putin.

Members of the upper house of parliament met Google and Apple representatives in the run-up to the election to tell them to remove the app, or face consequences including fines and criminal prosecution.

John Sullivan, the U.S. ambassador to Russia, was also called to the foreign ministry before the vote to hear complaints that the companies' behaviour amounted to U.S. meddling in Russia's internal affairs.

A court outlawed Navalny's political movement as extremist in June, backing complaints from Moscow's prosecutor that its activists were trying to destabilise Russia, a ruling condemned by the West at the time as a blow against freedom.

Google decided to remove the app after being told its local staff could otherwise face jail time, one person familiar with the situation said on condition of anonymity.

Apple and Google did not immediately respond to requests for comment.


i don't think America would be happy if the shoe was on the other foot if google and Apple that had a app to help a 3rd party candidate amass more votes that could harm one of the two main candidates in key states ... i know for a fact google or apple had a app in European countries to help tactical voting they would be hammered by European countries for meddling in there elections 
