Dutch Supreme Court to rule in $50 billion Yukos case


Enlightened One
Staff member
Apr 16, 2021
Perched on a rock in Canada
The Dutch Supreme Court is ruling Friday in a $50 billion legal battle between Russia and former shareholders of the country's bankrupted oil giant Yukos.

If the highest Dutch court rules in favor of the former shareholders in the long-running legal battle, it will likely lead them to attempt to seize Russian assets around the world to recoup the $50 billion they were awarded in an arbitration case — thought to be the world's biggest ever arbitral award.

An international panel of arbitrators concluded in 2014 that Moscow seized control of Yukos in 2003 by deliberately crippling the company with huge tax claims. The move was seen as an attempt to silence Yukos CEO Mikhail Khodorkovsky, a vocal critic of President Vladimir Putin.

Khodorkovsky was arrested at gunpoint in 2003 and spent more than a decade in prison as Yukos’ main assets were sold to a state-owned company. Yukos ultimately went bankrupt.

The state launched “a full assault on Yukos and its beneficial owners in order to bankrupt Yukos and appropriate its assets while, at the same time, removing Mr. Khodorkovsky from the political arena,” the arbitrators said in their 2014 ruling.

Moscow appealed the arbitration decision and a Dutch court in The Hague set aside the ruling in 2016, saying the arbitration panel did not have jurisdiction, but an appeals court later overturned that verdict. Russia appealed again, sending the case to the Supreme Court.

In April, an independent adviser to the Supreme Court recommended that its judges reject Russia's appeal.

Khodorkovsky is not involved in the case, which was brought by former shareholders united in a company called GML Ltd.

The Dutch Supreme Court on Friday upheld part of a Russian appeal against a $50 billion arbitration award to former shareholders of bankrupted oil giant Yukos and quashed a lower court's decision to uphold the award.

The decision extends the years-long legal battle between Russia and former Yukos shareholders over what is thought to be the world’s biggest arbitral award.

The highest Dutch court ruled that a lower appeal court in The Hague wrongly dismissed, on procedural grounds, Russia’s claim that “shareholders committed fraud in the arbitral proceedings.”

“Today the Supreme Court quashed the appeal court’s final judgement as well as the court’s preceding judgement,” the court said in a statement.

The Supreme Court referred the case to the Amsterdam Court of Appeal for judges there rule to on that issue. The judgment rejected other grounds of appeal put forward by Russia.

In April, an independent adviser to the Supreme Court had recommended that its judges reject Russia’s appeal.

An international panel of arbitrators concluded in 2014 that Moscow seized control of Yukos in 2003 by deliberately crippling the company with huge tax claims. The move was seen as an attempt to silence Yukos CEO Mikhail Khodorkovsky, a vocal critic of President Vladimir Putin.

Khodorkovsky was arrested at gunpoint in 2003 and spent more than a decade in prison as Yukos’ main assets were sold to a state-owned company. Yukos ultimately went bankrupt.

The state launched “a full assault on Yukos and its beneficial owners in order to bankrupt Yukos and appropriate its assets while, at the same time, removing Mr. Khodorkovsky from the political arena,” the arbitrators said in their 2014 ruling.

Moscow appealed the arbitration decision and a Dutch court in The Hague set aside the ruling in 2016, saying the arbitration panel did not have jurisdiction, but an appeals court later overturned that verdict. Russia appealed again, sending the case to the Supreme Court.

On one hand it seems obvious the case was wrong impossible to win and even more impossible to enforce if won.Can anyone imagine the consequence of seizing Russian property and selling it?

on the other hand Russia is obviously guilty as charged and deserves to be held accountable. Meanwhile the same things are happening today not only in Russia but China as well.

Western nations are guilty also. Maybe not as blatantly perpetrated but absolute power does corrupt people and governments are just people wielding power.
