Arm details new data centre chips


Enlightened One
Staff member
Apr 16, 2021
Perched on a rock in Canada
Arm Ltd, the British chip technology firm being acquired by Nvidia Corp in a $40 billion deal, on Tuesday gave new details about its next generation of data center technology and said Oracle Corp and Alibaba Group Holding will use the chips.

Arm creates underlying intellectual property that other firms such as Qualcomm Inc or Apple Inc then license to create their own processor chips. Arm's technology powers most mobile phones, but it is making a push into data center processors, where Intel Corp and Advanced Micro Devices have long dominated.

Analysts view Arm's data center efforts as the key reason that Nvidia, which also competes against Intel, sought to buy the firm. British officials have invoked a national security law to review the deal.

Arm said on Tuesday that its "N2" Neoverse computing cores are expected to be about 40% faster than the previous generation. The company also said that its "V1" cores - which are designed to handle a different type of math commonly used for artificial intelligence - are expected to be 50% faster than traditional methods of doing the same tasks.



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Intel has become complacent apparently. Once the apex it will become a has-been if these new chips truly are 40-50% faster.

Thanks for this article. Eye opening.

I bought stock in AMD back in November 2019 when I read about their new chip set and about the troubles at Intel.

That stock is up over 100% now.,
